words said, things done & feelings felt.
i start borrowing words and letters for this post.
because this one is about, my dearest friend, someone.
Someone who's been with me, my whole life.
teaching me, hitting me, screaming at me
but most of all, loving me and showing me the very very true meaning of life
and how all of us should act in a country were if you do good then you're wrong
Years have past, but you're still here with me and even though i haven't been the nicest boy on earth
you still love me unconditionally, and do the fascinating act of making the tv look like a movie theater
until you fall deep in the 5th dimension after 15 minutes, the movie has just started and yet you are already snoring, and that's part of your charm.
And it's because of you that i'm what i am today,
and what i'll become in the future
just because of the image of you, portrays the perfection,
kindness, responsability and organization that lacks in my personality
and everyday i try to make you proud,
more and more proud of what you made 18 years ago.
Dad, one of the shortest words in the vocabulary in any language,
yet one word with such feeling, such meaning and such responsabilities
but as short as the number of letters that word has
this entry falls short of what i feel for you
and the image i have of you
but, i can't say i didn't try
and today i tell you and the whole wide world, that i love you
for what you were, what you are and what you are gonna be someday
yet i can assure you, that you are the parental figure
every single kid would like to have.
I Love You Dad

The Blogger
nice one!~
io no te comentoo nunca
but this post totally deserves a comment dude!
( hahaha sii io entro a tu blog!)
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