Thursday, July 23, 2009

What i want

what i want is someone who's always there for me.
someone whom i can talk to no matter the hour
no matter the topic and he will listen to me without problem.

what i want is someone thats gonna get sad and lonely if i dont get back home.
he'll begin to wander around waiting for me
someone who couldnt close their eyes if im not by his side.

what i want is someone whos not afreid of walking down the street
even if i'm acting stoopid, it would mean no shame for him.
someone grateful whom woulf cry if i left his side.

what i want is someone who would do what i say
just to see me smile and would cheer me up
if i feel down.

what i want is someone who would rip your arm if try to hurt me
bite your leg if you try to kick me.
someone whos not afraid to defend me even if it means it own death.

All i want is someone who will love me to death
no matter the circumtances, and its determined to do all that it takes
to make me happy.

All i want is a Dalmatian.

Yours Sincerely
The Blogger

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Such a loney day

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day in my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go,
I wanna go with you
And if you die,
I wanna die with you
Take your hand and then walk away

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Around the world

Dudo de la perfeccion de como saldra esto, pero mientras forzo las palabras a brotar por mis dedos, oigo la melodiosa voz de un ente que transmite vacilante la armonia a mi cabeza.

Confundido entre el ocio y la malicia, en mi cuerpo no hay prisa por salir de esta vagancia, y en las nubes del pensamiento floto imaginando lo que podria pasar por sinverguenza, mas tanta es la anestecia emocional que realmente la sombra forastera no logra su objetivo.

Por otra parte, el asombro me invade al oir de la armonia del requiem, que una flor nace al interrumpir el eterno, certero e inamovible ciclo del carnero, violenta y rapidamente brota de sus petalos la suprema soberania de las multicolores llanuras ancestrales, haciendo de mi viaje, una vista mas bella, mientras el mistico conejo del reloj recorre el trayecto hacia su arbol hueco y magico.

Cansado de caminar, inicio el extraordinario ritual para expandir mis alas y subir al cielo, lejos de la gente, sintiendo sobre mi cara, la brisa natural del cielo nocturno, tan solo las estrellas me hacian compania y no se imaginan la profundidad de las conversaciones que tuvimos con la luna, y de su ferviente deseo por un hijo. Durante toda la noche estuvimos juntos, yo y la luna, solos en el espacio sideral, ya no eran necesarias mis alas, pues la gravedad del asunto no me afectaba ya.

Pero no, el sol se entero y interrumpio nuestra romantica velada llenando de luz el tenuamente iluminado cuarto, afirmando que yo no pertencia ahi, y manda a una de sus mas grandes llamaradas a escoltarme a la puerta, y asi comense a caer, en el instante en que la gravedad tuvo accion sobre mi. Callendo en picada, disfrutaba la caida, pues no imaginaba manera de sobrevivir, pero resulta que a lo lejos, logro divisar un autobus con la pintura mas psicodelica que e logrado ver jamas, acercandose lentamente a donde al parecer seria mi punto de aterrizaje. que decir de mi suerte, eran los beatles que con su musica amortiguaron el golpe.

Joe, me dijo el guitarrista, nos acompanias en nuestro viaje?, pregunto.
Seguro, le conteste.

y asi comensamos a volar cantando una cancion muy pegajosa, que nunca olvidare:

Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she's gone.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 7:

Its been awhile since last time i posted, but its because either i didn't had the mood or the entusiasm to write about anything or i simply din't had anything to write at all.

Anyhow, a lot has been throught my mind since three days ago, and actually as you can see none of it made me particularly happy, im experiencing a lot of drastical mood changes and a severe need for time alone, college finnaly coming to an end and with that it treatintg me better and better.

And as for the rest of the day, i have classes and my former ex-girlfriend wants to sit down and talk with me..., nothing really, just wondering.

PD: i've been this HUGE urge to do something, as i haven't been feeling any good in the last days, i'm afraid i might give in.

The Blogger.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 4:

Readers, im afraid to say that im running out of people to entertain me.
and the fewer people, the harder is to overcome the lonelyness.
nothing as for today.
yesterday was ok, but didn't sleep as well as i would liked.
and i have a song in particular hauling all over my head.
theres not much to tell.

PD: i know you guys are dying to know which song is, well, how six songs collide - norwegian recycling.

Truly bored.
The Blogger

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 3:

its kinda early, but i couldn't find time to write yesterday.

well, the so anticipated friday turned out to be an EPIC FAIL, i suddenly got what we call lack of INTEREST, and even tho i had plans for that night, i suddenly didnt felt like doing shit.

today, i woke up the same way and actually stayed the same way till 2:00 PM when i mentally convince myself nothing was wrong, such a lie, but everything is in the head so it worked for me.

got to my friend's house, and played some guitar hero, then went to another friend's house and then to a concert, it wasn't that bad, i must admit.

as for today...
the future doesnt look very promising, i need to get to work, freaking lazybum i am.

PD: no puedo sacarte de mi mente(8)

The Blogger

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 1:

Remaining true to myself,
i must say i dont kno what to expect from this.

im starting to realize what i've done, and honestly,
i feel kinda alone at times, im hearing some songs they quite kno
how to NOT help.

the weekend its not very promising either...

PD: wonder how she's doing...

Yours Sincerely
The Blogger.